Saturday, 25 March 2017

1999 Fiji House of Representatives elections

This was the first election held under the 1997 constitution, which established a House of Representatives made up of 71 members. The country was divided into 71 constituencies, each of which elected one member. Of these, 46 were communal seat constituencies in which a voter voted only for candidates from his/her own ethnic community. The other 25 constituencies were open seats, in which the voter voted for candidates from any ethnic community. So a voter had two ballot papers in which to cast two votes - one to choose his or her communal seat representative and one to choose his/her open seat representative.

There were 6 urban Fijian communal constituencies each of which had about the same number of voters. Another 14 Fijian constituencies followed the provincial boundaries, while the provinces of Ba, Tailevu and Cakaudrove were divided into 2 constituencies each. Both the 19 Indian and 3 General Voter communal constituencies had been drawn up so that each has roughly had an equal number of votes from that particular community. The Rotuman communal constituency covered the whole of Fiji. The 25 open seat constituencies had been drawn up in such a way that each had roughly the same number of voters, and each had a good proportion of people from the different ethnic communities.

Elections were held under the Alternative Vote System where voting was done by showing preferences. This meant putting each candidate in order - from the candidate most preferred to win as the 1st choice, to the candidate least preferred to win as the last choice. Voting for both the communal seat constituency and the open seat constituency was conducted in this way.

Under the Alternative Vote system a candidate only won when he or she has got more than half of all the votes in that constituency. In the first round of counting all of the 1st preference (1st choice) votes were counted. If one candidate had more than half of all the 1st preference votes. (i.e. if he or she is the first choice candidate of more than half of the voters) - then he or she was declared the winner straight away. If no candidate got more than half of the 1st preference votes, the least popular candidate, the one with the fewest 1st preference votes, was eliminated. This candidate’s ballot papers were then looked at again, and his or her votes are transferred to the candidates who are marked as the 2nd preference on each of these ballot papers. All of the votes are then counted again to see if any candidate now had enough to win.

If there was still no winner, then the candidate who now has the fewest votes was eliminated, and his or her votes were transferred to whichever candidate was next in the order of each voter’s preferences. This process of eliminating one candidate and transferring their votes was repeated until one candidate had more than half of all the votes and won.

The election was held for a week between 8 May 1999 and 15 May 1999 . Other relevant dates are:
21 March 1999 - Dissolution of House of Representatives, 9 April 1999 - Nomination Day

The election was fought by two major political groupings. The first was an alliance between the Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka's Soqosoqo Ni Vakavulewa Ni Taukei Party (SVT) (Fijian Political Party), Jai Ram Reddy's National Federation Party (NFP) and the United General Party (UGP). The other was The People's Coalition made up of the Fiji Labour Party (FLP), led by Mahendra Chaudhry, the Fijian Association Party (FAP), led by Adi Kuini Speed, and the Party of National Unity (PANU), led by Apisai Tora. A record number of 20 parties (many of which had only recently been formed) and over 300 candidates were registered to contest the 71 seats at stake.

Political Parties' performance
Party                                       Seats +/-   Votes    %
Fiji Labour Party (FLP)                      37   +30  231,946  32.2
Fijian Association Party (FAP)               10    +5   72,907  10.1
Party of National Unity (PANU)                4    +4   28,874   4.0
Soqosoqo Ni Vakavulewa Ni Taukei Party (SVT)  8   -24  143,177  19.9
National Federation Party (NFP)               0   -20  104,985  14.6
United General Party (UGP)                    2    +2   10,144   1.4
Veitokoni ni Lewenivanua Vakaristo (VLV)      3    +3   70,153   9.7
Nationalist Vanua Tako Lavo Party (NVTLP)     2    +2   31,587   4.4
Independents                                  5    +4   17,382   2.4
Others                                        0     0    9,027   1.3
Total                                        71    +1  399,759   100 
Other parties were: Nationalist Democratic Party (NDP), Party of the Truth (POTT), Caolition of Independent Nationals (COIN), Farmers and General Workers Coalition Party (FGWC), United National Labour Party (UNLP), Lio 'On Famor Rotuma Party (LFR).

Political Alliances' performance
Peoples Coalition (FLP, FAP,PANU)            51   +39  333,727  46.3
Rabuka/Reddy Coalition (SVT, NFP,UGP)        10   -24  258,306  35.9
Non-aligned                                  10    +9  128,149  17.8

Final results gave 51 seats to the People's Coalition, with Labour winning 37. The SVT, for its part, suffered heavy losses, retaining only eight seats. The NFP did not win any seats. In accordance with the Constitution, President of the Republic, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara was to choose the Prime Minister from among those with a majority backing in Parliament. On 19 May, Mr. Chaudhry was sworn in to this post as head of a coalition government comprising the FLP, FAP and PANU. His Cabinet was announced two days later.

Fijian Provincial Communal Constituencies

      Number of Voters on List:             6,357
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          5,966  93.8%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             436   7.3%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            5,530  92.7%
      Votes required for majority           2,766  50%+1

   Candidate               Party   First count      Final count
   Jonasa Vueti            NVTLP     243   4.4%
   Mitieli Bulanauca       VLV     3,027  54.7%
   Beato Ratuloco          COIN    1,149  20.8%
   Aminiasi Turaga         SVT     1,111  20.1%

      Number of Voters on List:             5,845
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          5,371  91.9%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             384   7.1%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            4,987  92.9%
      Votes required for majority           2,495  50%+1

   Candidate               Party   First count      Final count
   Emasi Qovu              FAP       489   9.8%
   Alipate Vosawale        VLV       339   6.8%
   James Michael Ah Koy    SVT     4,159  83.4%

      Number of Voters on List:             6,807
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          6,343  93.2%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             416   6.1%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            5,927  93.9%
      Votes required for majority:          2,965  50%+1

   Candidate                Party   First count     Final count
   Viliame Cavubati         SVT     2,816  47.5%
   Koila Mara Nailatikau    VLV     3,012  50.8%
   Isoa Tuinasaqalau        NVTLP      99   1.7%

4. Lomaiviti Fijian Provincial Communal
      Number of Voters on List:             8,131
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          7,265  89.3%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             901  12.4%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            6,364  87.6%
      Votes required for majority:          3,183  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count  2nd count  3rd count  Final count
   Penitoa Baleinagusui      NVTLP     367   5.8%
   Jone Kauvesi              SVT     1,363  21.4%    1,365    1,375    1,401  22.0%
   Timoci Tuisawau           FAP       707  11.1%      710
   Etuate Basaga             VLV     1,240  19.5%    1,242    1,248
   Simione Kaitani           Ind     1,895  29.8%    2,253    2,259    3,475  54.6%
   Tomasi Tokalauvere        FLP       792  12.4%      794    1,842    1,488  23.4%

      Number of Voters on List:             9,377 
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          8,545  91.1%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             619   7.2%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            7,926  92.8%
      Votes required for majority:          3,964  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count  2nd count  Final count
   Josefa Nalumialevu Dimuri SVT     3,646  46.0%    3,651    3,669  46.3%
   Tui Vunibola              NVTLP     352   4.4%
   Iowane Rakai              FLP       573   7.2%      575
   Poseci Waqalevu Bune      VLV     3,355  42.3%    3,700    4,257  53.7%

      Number of Voters on List:            16,051
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         14,718  91.7%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,647  11.2%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           13,071  88.8%
      Votes required for majority           6,537  50%+1

   Candidate                Party   First count      Final count
   Seruwaia Raluvu Hong-Tiy SVT     4,742  36.3%     5,366  41.0%
   Inoke Kadralevu          Ind       855   6.5%
   Mosese Naisaroi          VMDP      124   0.9%
   Leone Tuisowaqa          FAP     6,296  48.2%     6,621  50.6%
   Atunaisa Mataitoga       VLV     1,054   8.1%     1,084  08.3%

      Number of Voters on List:            11,449
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         10,511  91.8%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,519  14.4%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            8,992  85.6%
      Votes required for majority:          4,497  50%+1

   Candidate                Party   First count      Final count
   Kavekini Navuso          NVTLP   2,483  27.6%     2,589  28.8%
   Peceli Rinakama          FAP     2,648  29.4%     6,403  71.2%
   Solomoni Naivalu         SVT     1,965  21.8%
   Asesela Ravuvu           VLV     1,896  21.1%

      Number of Voters on List:             2,856
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          2,685  94.0%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             371  13.8%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            2,314  86.2%
      Votes required for majority:          1,158  50%+1  

   Candidate                Party   First count      Final count
   Etuate Maria Vunitabua   NVTLP     206   8.9%
   Aselemo Vakadranu        VLV       148   6.4%
   Atonio Tanaburenisau     FAP       970  41.9%     1,309  56.5%
   Kiniviliame Taukeinikoro SVT       990  42.8%     1,005  43.4%

      Number of Voters on List:             9,570
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          8,831  92.3%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,020  11.5%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            7,811  88.5%
      Votes required for majority           3,906  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Peni Nasuva Waqanicakau   Ind       573   7.3%
   Jo Nacola                 Ind       952  12.2% 
   Eloni Goneyali            PANU    2,474  31.7%     4,138  53.0%
   Meciusela Naisogobuli     Ind       653   8.4%
   Evuloni Bogi              NVTLP   2,032  26.0%     3,673  47.0%
   Jone Banuve               SVT     1,127  14.4%

   Note: 1. Jo Nacola contested Ra Provincial Communal in the last
            2 elections, winning as an independent in 1994,and 
            winning for SVT in 1992. In 1987 he had won N-E Fij 
            National on NFP/FLP ticket. 1977-1982, he was a Senator
            for Alliance Party.
10. REWA FIJIAN PROVINCIAL COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 6,289 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 5,798 92.2% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 605 10.4% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 5,193 89.6% Votes required for majority: 2,597 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Timoci Qiolevu Silatolu FAP 1,663 32.0% 3,100 59.7% Epeli Mataitini SVT 1,256 24.2% Tevita Bukarau VLV 845 16.3% Sakeasi Butadroka NVTLP 2,029 39.1% 2,093 40.3% 11. SERUA FIJIAN PROVINCIAL COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 3,903 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 3,630 93.0% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 285 7.8% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 3,345 92.2% Votes required for majority: 1,673 50% +1 Candidate Party First count Final count Sakeasi Lomalagi FAP 630 18.8% Lepani Tonitonivanua NVTLP 768 22.9% 2,098 62.7% Misaele Driubalavu SVT 1,171 35.0% 1,247 37.3% Semi Tabaiwalu Ind 399 11.9% Josateki Nasova VLV 364 10.9% Atunaisa Lacabuka Rasoki II NDP 13 0.4% 12. BA EAST FIJIAN PROVINCIAL COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 10,019 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 9,201 91.8% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 803 8.7% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 8,398 91.3% Votes required for majority: 4,200 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Isimeli Bose SVT 2,932 34.9% Joti Naliva Naisau VLV 578 6.9% Pauliasi Matawalu NVTLP 475 5.7% Ponipate Lesavua PANU 4,413 52.5% 13. BA WEST FIJIAN PROVINCIAL COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 12,435 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 11,076 89.1% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 1,024 9.2% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 10,052 90.8% Votes required for majority: 5,027 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Meli Bogileka PANU 4,942 49.2% 6,587 65.5% Vilive Ravouvou VLV 1,661 16.5% Etuate Vugakoto Tavai SVT 3,136 31.2% 3,465 34.5% Iliesa Ratunavu NVTLP 313 0.3% 14. TAILEVU NORTH FIJIAN PROVINCIAL COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 8,946 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 8,407 94.0% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 958 11.4% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 7,449 88.6% Votes required for majority: 3,725 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Josefa Serulagilagi FAP 3,398 45.6% 3,454 46.4% Ifereimi Ravoka VLV 743 10.0% Savenaca Tokainavo SVT 1,494 20.0% 3,995 53.6% Iliesa Duvuloco NVTLP 1,814 24.3% 15. TAILEVU SOUTH FIJIAN PROVINCIAL COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 8,738 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 7,938 90.8% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 828 10.4% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 7,110 89.6% Votes required for majority: 3,556 Candidate Party First count Final count Esira Rabuno FAP 3,810 53.6% Ameo Liaci Ramokosoi NVTLP 429 6.0% Lagisoa Delana SVT 2,871 40.4% 16. CAKAUDROVE EAST FIJIAN PROVINCIAL COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 8,054 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 7,120 88.4% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 592 8.3% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 6,528 91.7% Votes required for majority: 3,265 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Inoke Kubuabola SVT 5,135 78.0% Inoke Tabualevu VLV 1,099 16.7% Josua Gabiriele UNLP 294 4.5% 17. CAKAUDROVE WEST FIJIAN PROVINCIAL COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 9,062 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 8,426 93.0% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 506 5.6% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 7,920 94.4% Votes required for majority: 3,961 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Tuisuva Voreqe FAP 550 6.9% Kinijoji Maivalili SVT 5,460 68.9% Salote Raikolo Qalo VLV 1,910 24.1%

Fijian Urban Communal Constituencies

18. NORTH EAST FIJIAN URBAN COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 13,234 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 10,785 81.5% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 603 5.6% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 10,182 94.4% Votes required for majority: 5,092 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Isireli Leweniqila SVT 3,812 37.4% 5,418 53.2% Taniela Tabu VLV 2,032 19.9% 2,046 20.1% Lasarusa Yehuda Sovea NVTLP 1,645 16.1% Semi Seruvakula FAP 2,693 26.4% 2,718 26.7% 19. NORTH WEST FIJIAN URBAN COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 15,307 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 12,965 84.7% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 623 4.8% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 12,342 95.2% Votes required for majority: 6,172 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Akanisi Koroitamana PANU 5,320 43.1% 8,297 67.2% Divuki Miliakere Ah Tong VLV 66 0.5% Navitalai Ratukalou NVTLP 652 5.2% Vilisoni Cagimaivei SVT 3,869 31.3% 4,045 32.8% Kitione Vuataki VLV 2,435 19.7% 20. SOUTH WEST FIJIAN URBAN COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 12,070 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 10,174 84.3% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 699 6.9% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 9,475 93.1% Votes required for majority: 4,738 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Isimeli Jale Cokanasiga FAP 2,143 22.6% 5,378 56.8% Posiano Nauku FLP 817 8.6% Kelemedi Rakuve Bulewa SVT 3,969 41.9% 4,097 43.2% Naipote Vere VLV 1,833 19.3% Manasa Dela Moce NVTLP 618 6.5% Kevueli Bogilevu Ind 95 1.0% 21. SUVA CITY FIJIAN URBAN COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 11,653 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 9,914 85.1% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 723 7.3% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 9,191 92.7% Votes required for majority: 4,596 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Filipe Bole SVT 3,700 40.2% 3,880 42.2% Viliame Sovalatila Volavola FAP 1,408 15.3% 5,311 57.8% Susana Tuisawau FLP 1,170 12.7% Lili King VLV 2,131 23.2% Josaia Waqabaca NVTLP 782 8.5% 22. TAMAVUA/LAUCALA FIJIAN URBAN COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 12,573 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 10,801 85.9% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 787 7.3% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 10,014 92.7% Votes required for majority: 5,008 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Manasa Lasaro VLV 2,780 27.8% Ema Tagicakibau FAP 2,871 28.7% 5,489 54.8% Jonetani KAUKIMOCE SVT 4,363 43.6% 4,525 45.2% 23. NASINU FIJIAN URBAN COMMUNAL Number of Voters on List: 11,538 Total Ballot Papers Counted: 9,857 85.4% Less Invalid Ballot Papers: 761 7.7% Total Valid Ballot Papers: 9,096 92.3% Votes required for majority: 4,549 50%+1 Candidate Party First count Final count Fereti Seru Dewa Ind 223 2.4% Sikeli Naiova NVTLP 1,046 11.5% Nimilote Fifita Jitoko POTT 234 2.6% Inoke Luveni VLV 2,210 24.3% Apolosi Biuvakaloloma SVT 3,027 33.3% 4,509 49.6% Joji Uluinakauvadra FAP 2,356 25.9% 4,587 50.4%

General Communal Constituencies

      Number of Voters on List:             3,772
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          3,231  85.6%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             215   6.6%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            3,016  93.4%
      Votes required for majority:          1,509  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Edward Jennings           COIN      161   5.3%
   Norman Lawrence Low       FAP       577  19.1%
   Robin Anthony Storck      UGP     1,360  45.1%     1,432  47.5%
   William Granger Aull      Ind       918  30.4%     1,584  52.5%

      Number of Voters on List:             4,556
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          3,860  84.7%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             287   7.4%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            3,573  92.6%      
      Votes required for majority:          1,787  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Vincent Walter Lobendahn  UGP     1,636  45.8%     1,694  47.4%
   Anthony Fong              COIN       86   2.4%
   Leo Barry Smith           Ind     1,305  36.5%     1,879  52.6%
   Edward Danial Reece       FAP       475  13.3%
   Ian Mitchell Simpson      Ind        20   0.6%

      Number of Voters on List:             5,701
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          4,890  85.8%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             476   9.7%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            4,414  90.3%      
      Votes required for majority:          2,208  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   David Pickering           UGP     2,392  54.1%
   Kenneth Low               Ind     1,123  25.4%
   Arthur Jennings           COIN      909  20.5%

Indian Communal Constituencies

      Number of Voters on List:             7,760
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          7,324  94.4%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             926  12.6%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            6,393  87.4%
      Votes required for majority:          3,197  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Krishna Chand Sharma      FLP     4,011  62.7%
   Dhirendra Kumar           NFP     2,382  37.3%

      Number of Voters on List:              8,477
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:           8,070  95.2%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:              828  10.3%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:             7,242  89.7%
      Votes required for majority:           3,622  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Narendra Reddy            NFP     1,779  24.6%
   Anand Babla               FLP     5,463  75.4%

      Number of Voters on List:            10,049
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          9,394  93.5%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             963  10.2%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            8,431
      Votes required for majority:          4,216  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Ahmed Gaffer              FLP     6,202  73.6%
   Ram Lajendra              NFP     2,229  26.4%

      Number of Voters on List:            10,188
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          9,450  92.7%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             995  10.5%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            8,455  89.5%
      Votes required for majority:          4,228  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Ami Chand                 FLP     5,545  65.6%
   Vinod Patel               NFP     2,910  34.4%

      Number of Voters on List:             9,667
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          9,104  94.2%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             879   9.6%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            8,225  90.4%
      Votes required for majority:          4,113  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Azmat Khan                NFP     2,803  34.1%
   Anand Kumar Singh         FLP     5,422  65.9%

      Number of Voters on List:            11,849
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         10,806  91.2%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             787   7.3%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           10,019  92.7%
      Votes required for majority:          5,010  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Ganeshwar Chand           FLP     6,146  61.3%
   Jagannath SAMI            NFP     3,720  37.1%
   Mohammed Rauf Khan        PANU      153   1.6%

      Number of Voters on List:            11,286
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         10,413  92.3%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             924   8.9%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            9,489  91.1%
      Votes required for majority:          4,745   50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Bissun Datt               Ind       201   2.1%
   Vinod Chandra Deo Maharaj FLP     6,936  73.1%
   Swani Kumar Maharaj       NFP     2,352  24.8%

      Number of Voters on List:            12,336
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         11,437  92.7%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,041   9.1%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           10,396  90.9%
      Votes required for majority:          5,199  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Dorsami Naidu             NFP     3,567  34.3%
   Amjad Ali                 FLP     6,829  65.7%

      Number of Voters on List:             9,678
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          9,079  93.8%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             916  10.1%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            8,163  89.9%
      Votes required for majority:          4,082  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Shiu Sharan Sharma        FLP     5,395  66.1%
   Dewendra Pratap           NFP     2,768  33.9%

      Number of Voters on List:            11,179
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         10,552  94.4%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,304  12.3%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            9,248  87.7%
      Votes required for majority:          4,625  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Lekh Ram Vayeahnoi        FLP     5,647  61.1%
   Mohammed Azam Khalil      NFP     3,601  38.9%

      Number of Voters on List:             7,839
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          7,222  92.1%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             968  13.4%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            6,254  86.6%
      Votes required for majority:          3,128  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Prince Gopal Lakshman     FLP     3,992  63.8%
   Maan Singh                NFP     2,262  36.2%

      Number of Voters on List:            13,280
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         11,837  89.1%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             139   1.2%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           11,698  98.8%
      Votes required for majority:          5,850  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Wadan Lal Narsey          NFP     5,111  43.8%
   Deo Narain                FLP     6,549  56.2%

      Number of Voters on List:             8,839
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          8,200  92.8%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             658   8.0%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            7,542  92.0%
      Votes required for majority:          3,777  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Biman Chand Prasad        NFP     2,912  38.6%
   Anup Kumar                FLP     4,630  61.4%

      Number of Voters on List:               14,453
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:            13,171  91.1%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:              1,845  14.0%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:              11,326  86.0%
      Votes required for majority:             5,664  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Hikmat Singh Verma        FLP     8,816  77.8%
   Attar Singh               NFP     2,510  22.2%

      Number of Voters on List:            12,090
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         11,218  92.8%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             724   6.4%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           10,494  93.6%
      Votes required for majority:          5,248  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Pratap Chand              FLP     7,725  73.6%
   Clement Cladius Joseph    COIN       34   0.3%
   Vijendra Prakash          NFP     2,735  26.6%

      Number of Voters on List:            10,875
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         10,257  94.3%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             915   8.9%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            9,342  91.1%
      Votes required for majority:          4,672  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Ahmed Riaz Dean           FAP       356   3.8%
   Aptar Singh               NFP     3,605  38.6%
   Ragho Nand                FLP     5,381  57.6%

      Number of Voters on List:             9,668
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          8,793  90.9%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             731   8.3%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            8,062  91.7%
      Votes required for majority:          4,032  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Keshwan Padayachi         NFP     1,756  21.8%
   Charan Jeath Singh        UNLP    1,181  14.6%
   Vinod Prasad              FAP       237   2.9%
   Sanju Reddy               FGWC       37   0.4%
   Muthu Swamy               FLP     4,037  50.1%
   Pradeep Singh             Ind       814  10.1%

      Number of Voters on List:             9,775
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          8,806  90.1%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             727   8.2%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            8,079  91.8%
      Votes required for majority:          4,040  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Mohammed Rafiq            NFP     1,772  21.9%
   Niranjan Kuar             UNLP      341   4.2%
   Umesh Chand               FGWC      152   1.9%
   Subedhar Mohammed Lateef  FLP     5,814  72.0%

      Number of Voters on List:             8,332
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          7,641  91.7%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             617   8.1%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            7,024  91.9%
      Votes required for majority:          3,512  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Satish Chandra Gulabdas   NFP     2,297  32.7%
   Dayal Patel               UNLP      162   2.3%
   David Manohar Lal         FAP       362   5.1%
   Giyannendra Prasad        FLP     4,203  59.8%

Rotuman Communal Constituency

      Number of Voters on List:             5,232
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          4,682  89.5%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             688  14.7%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            3,994  85.3%
      Votes required for majority:          1,998  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Kafoa Ieli Pene           LFR     1,982  49.6%
   Marieta Rigamoto          Ind     2,012  50.4%

Open Constituencies

      Number of Fijian voters:              15,204  87.7%
      Number of Indian voters:               1,524   8.8%
      Number of General Voters:                573   3.3%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                 54   0.3%
      Total number of Voters:               17,335
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:          15,645  90.4%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:            1,891  09.6%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:            13,754  90.4%
      Votes required for majority:           6,878  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Litia Cakobau             SVT     3,015  21.9%
   Josefa Vosanibola         VLV     1,803  13.1%
   Manilal Patel             NFP        10   0.1%
   Viliame Sausawai          NVTLP   2,371  17.2%     6,878  50.0%
   Tu'uakitau Cokanauto      FAP     6,555  47.6%     6,876  50.0%

      Number of Fijian voters:             13,491  68.3%
      Number of Indian voters:              6,132  31.0%
      Number of General voters:               114   0.6%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                22   0.1%
      Total number of Voters:              19,759
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         17,809  90.1%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           2,145  12.0%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           15,664  88.0%
      Votes required for majority:          7,833  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Isireli Mokunitulevu Vuibau FLP   3,351  21.4%     8,759  55.9%
   Epenisa Seru Cakobau      SVT     6,161  39.3%     6,905  44.1%
   Samuela Matawalu          FAP     3,926  25.1%
   Ram Krishna Reddy         NFP        22   0.1%
   Joji Bakoso               NVTLP     594   3.8%
   Josua Tubunavere Uluiviti VLV     1,567  10.0%
   Idris Ali                 Ind        43   0.3%

      Number of Fijian voters:              8,133  48.9%
      Number of Indian voters:              7,904  47.5%
      Number of General voters:               356   2.2%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               235   1.1%
      Total number of Voters:               16,631
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         14,393  86.5%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             911   6.3%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           13,482  93.7%
      Votes required for majority:          6,742  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Sitiveni Kinikini         SVT       169   1.2%
   Lepani Tagicakibau        FAP     1,630  12.1%     2,612  19.4%
   Lavenia Padarath          FLP     5,106  37.9%     6,747  50.0%
   Mirdula Sainath           NFP     4,044  30.0%     4,123  30.6%
   Ledua Vereti              NVTLP     804   6.0%
   Vilikesa Mocelutu         VLV     1,729  12.8%

      Number of Fijian voters:             7,702  45.2%
      Number of Indian voters:             8,989  52.8%
      Number of General voters:              228   1.3%
      Number of Rotuman voters:              115   0.7%
      Total Number of Voters:             17,034
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:        15,408  90.4%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:          1,049   6.8%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:          14,359  93.2%
      Votes required for majority:         7,180  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Peniasi Silatolu          VLV     1,178   8.2%     1,287   9.0%
   Atunaisa Bani Druavesi    SVT       131   0.9%
   Liesa Via Tiko            FAP     1,160   8.1%
   Harnam Singh Golian       NFP     3,920  27.3%     3,970  27.6%
   Apenai Turaganikeli       NVTLP   1,785  12.4%     1,825  12.7%
   John Ali                  FLP     6,185  43.1%     7,277  50.7%

      Number of Fijian voters:             10,098  57.4%
      Number of Indian voters:              6,178  35.2%
      Number of General voters:               991   5.6%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               311   1.8%
      Total number of Voters:              17,578
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         14,554  82.8%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,149   7.9%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           13,405  92.1%
      Votes required for majority:          6,703  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Joeli Kalou               FLP     4,926  36.7%     6,741  50.2%
   Berenado Vunibobo         SVT     4,833  36.0%     4,468  33.3%
   Josaia Gucake             FAP     1,880  14.0%
   Soani Nakuna              NVTLP     614  04.6%
   Saimoni Lutu              VLV     1,561  11.6%     2,196  16.4%
   Vinod Lal                 NFP        41   0.3%

      Number of Fijian voters:              7,641  47.9%
      Number of Indian voters:              7,141  44.8%
      Number of General voters:               623   3.9%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               534   3.4%
      Total number of Voters:              15,939
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         13,727  86.1%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             981   7.1%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           12,746  92.9%
      Votes required for majority:          6,374  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Suruj Mati Nand           FLP     5,089  39.9%     6,395  50.2%
   Sowani Tobewaqiri         NVTLP     309   2.4%
   Manunivavalagi Korovulavula FAP   1,441  11.3%
   Mosese Uluicicia          SVT     4,125  32.4%     4,266  33.5%
   Miriama Rayawa Cama       VLV     1,714  13.4%     2,085  16.4%
   Jag Nadan                 NFP        68   0.5%

      Number of Fijian voters:              7,627  46.9%
      Number of Indian voters:              7,094  43.6%
      Number of General voters:             1,097   6.7%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               462   2.8%
      TOtal number of Voters:              16,280
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         14,261  87.6%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             903   6.3%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           13,278  93.7%
      Votes required for majority:          6,640  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Tupeni Lebaivalu Baba     FLP     5,361  40.4%     7,750  58.4%
   Raymond Nair              VLV     1,269   9.5%
   James Raghwan Raman       NFP     4,726  35.6%     5,528  41.6%
   Sovea Nagera Tabua        SVT       565   4.2%
   Peceli Vuniwa             NVTLP     333   2.5%
   Tunidau Viliame Saulekaleka FAP   1,024   7.7%

      Number of Fijian voters:              7,694  49.4%
      Number of Indian voters:              5,513  35.4%
      Number of General voters:             1,679  10.8%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               679   4.4%
      Number of Voters on List:            15,565
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         13,308  85.5%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,228   9.2%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           12,080  90.8%
      Votes required for majority:          6,041  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Meli Vakarewakobau        Ind       457   3.8%
   Mataiasi Vave Ragigia     SVT     1,040   8.6%
   Asenaca Bentley           FAP       870   7.2%
   Viliame Gonelevu          VLV     1,510  12.5%
   Francis Waqa Sokonibogi   NVTLP     500   4.1%
   Prince Vyas Muni Lakshman COIN       65   0.5%
   Bhavik Waghela            Ind       110   0.9%
   Pramod Kumar Rae          NFP        89   0.7%
   Ofa M. P. Duncan          UGP     3,849  31.9%    6,723  55.7%
   Kenneth Vincent Zinck     FLP     3,598  29.8%    5,357  44.3%

      Number of Fijian voters:             10,598  66.8%
      Number of Indian voters:              3,193  20.1%
      Number of General voters:             1,840  11.6%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               234   1.5%
      Total number of Voters:              15,865
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         13,601  85.7%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,252   9.2%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           12,349  90.8%
      Votes required for majority:          6,175  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Lute Taoba Powell         FAP     2,025  16.4%
   Mere Tuisalalo Samisoni   SVT     4,249  34.4%     5,409  43.8%
   William James Traill      UGP       539   4.4%
   Michael Columbus          FLP     2,349  19.0%     6,940  56.2%
   Emosi Sili                Ind       202   1.6%
   Elenoa Ligairi Sikivou    VLV       355   2.9%
   Viliame Savu              NVTLP     786   6.4%
   Jagdish Pratap            Ind       237   1.9%
   Mirza Namrud Buksh        Ind        83   0.7%
   Serupepeli Dakai          VLV     1,524  12.3%

      Number of Fijian voters:             15,453  82.8%
      Number of Indian voters:              3,005  16.1%
      Number of General voters:               134   0.7%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                76   0.4%
      Total number of Voters:              18,668
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         16,673  89.3%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,909  11.4%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           15,064  88.6%
      Votes required for majority:          7,533  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count 
   Konisi Tabu Yabaki        SVT     7,219  47.9%     8,628  57.3%
   Isikeli Nasoga            Ind       685   4.5%
   Vuli Meli Titoko          VLV     1,428   9.5%     1,682  11.2%
   Samu Konataci             NVTLP   1,260   8.4%
   Ted Young                 FAP     4,472  29.7%     4,754  31.5%

      Number of Fijian voters:             11,623  64.7%
      Number of Indian voters:              6,228  34.7%
      Number of General voters:                86   0.5%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                25   0.1%
      Total number of Voters:               17,962
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         16,732  93.1%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           2,204  13.2%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           14,528  86.8%
      Votes required for majority:          7,265  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Tevita Bolobolo           SVT     3,495  24.0%
   Veretariki Wakanivuga     NVTLP   2,382  16.4%
   Joji Natadra Banuve       VLV       850   5.8%
   Selesitino Luba           FAP     1,846  12.7%
   Sanjeet Chand Maharaj     FLP     3,826  26.3%    5,803  39.9%
   George Shiu Raj           Ind     2,129  14.6%    8,725  60.1%

      Number of Fijian voters:              6,738  42.6%
      Number of Indian voters:              8,685  54.9%
      Number of General voters:               185   1.2%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               206   1.3% 
      Number of Voters on List:            15,814
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         14,656  92.7%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,109   7.6%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           13,547  92.4%
      Votes required for majority:          6,774

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Jone Naeqe Nakautoga      SVT     2,603  19.2%
   Williame Bouwalu          VLV       230   1.7%
   Krishna Reddy             PANU    1,289   9.5%
   Pravin Singh              FLP     6,803  50.2%
   Hansy Stino Peters        NVTLP   1,146   8.5% 
   Shiu Ram                  NFP     1,476  10.9%

      Number of Fijian voters:              3,323  17.1%
      Number of Indian voters:             15,933  81.8%
      Number of General voters:               201   1.0%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                20   0.1%
      Total Number of Voters:              19,477
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         18,075  92.8%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,087   6.0%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           16,988  94.0%
      Votes required for majority:          8,500  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Savenaca Nabeka           PANU       809   4.8%
   Diwan Chand Shankar       NFP      5,285  31.1%
   Mahendra Pal Chaudhry     FLP     10,358  61.0%
   Saimoni Beleirewa         SVT         46   0.3%
   Daben Singh               VLV        490   2.9%

      Number of Fijian voters:              4,704  26.8%
      Number of Indian voters:             12,765  72.6%
      Number of General voters:                78   0.4%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                25   0.2%
      Total number of Voters:              17,572
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         16,256  92.5%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,207   7.4%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           15,049  92.6%
      Votes required for majority:          7,525  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count     Final count
   Epeli Navatoga            SVT     1,169   7.8%
   Mosese Tuki Yasa          VLV       447   3.0%
   Shiu Charan               NFP     3,927  26.1%    5,109  33.9%
   Jag Narain Sharma         FLP     6,968  46.3%    9,940  66.1%
   Steven Pradeep Singh      PANU    2,538  16.9%

      Number of Fijian voters:              7,071  39.0%
      Number of Indian voters:              9,819  54.2%
      Number of General voters:               865   4.8%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               359   2.0%
      Number of Voters on List:            18,114
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         16,147  89.1%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             860  05.3%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           15,287  94.7%
      Votes required for majority:          7,644

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Josefa Turuva             SVT       192   1.2%
   Savitri Chauhan           NFP     5,255  34.4%     5,488  35.9%
   Hassan Ali                NLP       109   0.7%
   Viliame Niumatataiwalu    PANU    2,097  13.7%
   Manoa Dobui               VLV     1,213   7.9%
   Haroon Ali Shah           FLP     6,421  42.0%     9,799  64.1%

      Number of Fijian voters:             5,190  27.5%
      Number of Indian voters:            13,343  70.5%
      Number of General voters:              288   1.5%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               99   0.5%
      Total number of Voters:              18,920
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         16,974  89.7%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,417   8.3%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           15,557  91.7%

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Tevita Moemoedonu         FLP     8,978  57.7%
   Sikeli Malo               SVT     2,410  15.5%
   Reyama Natakele Loa       PANU       73   0.5%
   Sayad Khaiyum             NFP     4,096  26.3%

      Number of Fijian voters:              7,591  36.5%
      Number of Indian voters:             12,291  59.1%
      Number of General voters:               697   3.3%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               228   1.1%
      Total number of Voters:              20,807
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         18,711  89.9%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,097   5.9%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           17,614  94.1%
      Votes required for majority:          8,808  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count      
   Manjuwati Verma           NFP     5,653  32.1%     5,841  33.2%
   Jopeni Vatunitu           VLV     1,185   6.7%
   Pradhuman Raniga          FLP     7,559  42.9%    11,773  66.8%
   Makelesi Lutuciri         SVT       156   0.9%
   Avisai Vuniyayawa Tora    PANU    3,061  17.4%

      Number of Fijian voters:              6,229  36.6%
      Number of Indian voters:             10,728  63.1%
      Number of General voters:                43   0.3%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                 8   0.0%
      Total number of voters:              17,008
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         15,545  91.4%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,411   9.1%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           14,134  90.9%
      Votes required for majority:          7,068  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Jai Ram Reddy             NFP     4,651  32.9%     4,681  33.1%
   Gunasagaran Gounder       FLP     6,576  46.5%     9,453  66.9%
   Jone Nalewatobo           VLV     1,078   7.6%
   Eroni Lewaqai             PANU    1,805  12.8%
   Tako Sisa                 SVT        24   0.2%

      Number of Fijian voters:              8,348  48.2%
      Number of Indian voters:              8,764  50.6%
      Number of General voters:               179   1.0%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                42   0.2%
      Total number of Voters:              17,333
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         16,072  92.7%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,754  10.9%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           14,318  89.1%
      Votes required for majority:          7,160  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Adit Kumar                NFP        35   0.2%
   Mosese Volavola           FLP     6,239  43.6%     7,907  55.2%
   Savenaca Takolevu         FAP     1,667  11.6%
   Sakiusa Makutu            SVT     6,377  44.5%     6,411  44.8%

      Number of Fijian voters:             12,751  66.9%
      Number of Indian voters:              5,736  30.1%
      Number of General voters:               488   2.6%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                81   0.4%
      Total number of voters:              19,056
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         17,644  95.6%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,454  08.2%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           16,190  91.8%
      Votes required for majority:          8,096  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Isaia Gonewai             VLV     1,010   6.2%
   Benjamin Wise             UGP       344   2.1%
   Kuini Vuikaba             FAP     7,686  47.5%     9,207  56.9%
   Jona Rokowai              NVTLP   1,238   7.6%     2,246  13.9%
   Mesulame Narawa           SVT     4,535  28.0%     4,737  29.3%
   Pio Iowane Wong           Ind     1,377   8.5%

      Number of Fijian voters:             11,013  66.9%
      Number of Indian voters:              5,736  30.1%
      Number of General voters:               488   2.6%
      Number of Rotuman voters:               12    0.1%
      Total number of voters:              17,913
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         16,518  92.2%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,150   7.0%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           15,368  93.0%
      Votes required for majority:          7,685  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Filimone Ralogaivau       SVT     5,897  38.4%     6,078  39.6%
   Rameshwar Prasad          NFP        18   0.1%
   Manoa Bale                FLP     4,244  27.6%     9,290  60.4%
   Ramesh Chand              UNLP      363   2.4%
   Meli Bulitiliva           VLV     4,388  28.5%
   Josefa Rusaqoli           NVTLP     457   3.0%

      Number of Fijian voters:              3,423  21.1%
      Number of Indian voters:             12,490  75.6%
      Number of General voters:               327   2.0%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                12   0.1%
      Total number of voters:              16,252
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         14,726  90.6%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,141   7.7%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           13,585  92.3%
      Votes required for majority:          6,798  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Sakeo Tuiwainikai         VLV       975   7.2%
   Nareish Kumar             FLP     7,043  51.8%
   Chitra Singh              UNLP    1,051   7.7%
   Bijend Prasad Ram         NFP     4,516  33.2%

      Number of Fijian voters:              3,929  21.5%
      Number of Indian voters:             14,274  78.0%  
      Number of General voters:                88   0.5%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                 8   0.0%
      Total number of voters  :            18,299
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         16,333  89.2%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,385   8.5%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           14,948  91.5%
      Votes required for majority:          7,475  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Krishna Datt              FLP     8,807  58.9%
   Parmod Chand              NFP     4,038  27.0%
   Mehi Lal                  UNLP      571   3.8%
   Joeli Tumuri              VLV     1,532  10.2%

      Number of Fijian voters:             11,445  73.5%
      Number of Indian voters:              2,234  14.3%
      Number of General voters:             1,851  11.9%
      Number of Rotuman voters:                42   0.3%
      Total number of voters:              15,572
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         14,066  90.3%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:             923   6.6%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           13,143  93.4%
      Votes required for majority:          6,572  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Mosese Gere               NVTLP     443   3.4%
   Epeli Ligamamada           FAP    1,574  12.0%
   Sitiveni Ligimamada Rabuka SVT    9,190  69.9%
   Aisake Kaunisela Kubuabola VLV    1,936  14.7%

      Number of Fijian voters:             13,295  80.9%
      Number of Indian voters:              1,164   7.1%
      Number of General voters:               620   3.8%
      Number of Rotuman voters:             1,343   8.2%
      Total number of voters  :            16,422
      Total Ballot Papers Counted:         14,839  90.4%
      Less Invalid Ballot Papers:           1,191  08.0%
      Total Valid Ballot Papers:           13,648
      Votes required for majority:          6,825  50%+1

   Candidate                 Party   First count      Final count
   Senimili Rokolewasau 
          Tuivanuavou         FAP    1,099   8.0%
   Waisea Qoronalau           NVTLP    215   1.6%
   Epeli Gavidi Ganilau       VLV    4,423  32.4%
   Naiqama Tawake LALABALAVU  SVT    7,911  58.0%

Sunday, 12 March 2017

1994 Fiji House of Representatives elections

On 29 November 1993, Parliament rejected the Government’s proposed budget for 1994 as seven members of the ruling Soqosoqo Ni Vakavulewa Ni Taukei Party (SVT) (Fijian Political Party) defected and voted with the opposition. As a consequence, President of the Republic Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara dissolved the legislature on 19 January 1994 at the request of SVT Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka and the election date was announced.

As the previous (May 1992) general elections, those of 1994 took place against a background of ethnic rivalry due primarily to the constitutional provision which guaranteed a majority of the 70 House of Representatives seats (and control of the government) for indigenous Fijians although the country’s Indian population amounts to some 45% and runs much of the country’s economy. The outgoing governing coalition comprising the basically ethnic-Fijian SVT and the multiracial General Voters’ Party (GVP) was challenged by the Indian-based National Federation Party (NFP), led by Mr. Jai Ram Reddy, and Fiji Labour Party (FLP), headed by Mr. Mahendra Chaudhry, as well as by the newly formed Fijian Association, a breakaway faction of the SVT founded by one of the main dissidents mentioned above, Mr. Josefata Kamikamica. Predictably, campaign issues related chiefly to the controversial constitutional provision, with the Indian parties calling for reform, the NFP taking a more moderate stance on this than the FLP.

Voters registered were as follows:
Fijian Provincial110,545
Fijian Urban 43,279
Polling results gave a surprisingly clear victory to the SVT, which captured 31 of the 37 Fijian seats, while the Fijian Association, widely expected to do well, secured only five. Of the Indian seats, the NFP upped its total by six to 20. Given this outcome, Mr. Rabuka was sworn in as Prime Minister on 28 February for his second term, being supported, as before, by the GVP as well as by two independent members. Despite SVT hints of a racially united government, the 12-member Cabinet was all Fijian.

Political Parties' performance
Party                                       Seats +/-   Votes    %
Soqosoqo Ni Vakavulewa Ni Taukei Party (SVT) 31    +1  145,091  40.9
Fiji Labour Party (FLP)                       7    -6   51,951  14.6
Fijian Association Party (FAP)                5    +5   34,976   9.9
All National Congress (ANC)                   1    +1   21,808   6.1
National Federation Party (NFP)               20   +6   63,097  17.8
General Voters Party (GVP)                    4    -1    4,339   1.2
Fijian Nationalist United Front Party (FNUPF) 0    -3   14,446   4.1
Soqosoqo ni Taukei                            0    -2    6,417   1.8  
Independents                                  2    -1   12,549   3.5
Total                                        70    +1  239,567   100 

Fijian Provincial Constituencies

Ba Fijian Provincial
Ovini Bokini                    SVT6,448
Etuate Tavai                    SVT6,354
Isimeli Savitini Bose           SVT6,439
Tevita Momoedonu                ANC4,593
Avisai Vuniyayawa Tora          ANC4,977
Savenaca Nabeka                 ANC4,306
Serupepeli Udreitakali Naivalu  FAP497 4.3%
Jone Sauqaqa                    FAP479 4.2%
Vuluma Josevata                 FNP375 3.3%

Bua Fijian Provincial
Kavaia Tagivetaua               SVT3,636
Koresi Laba Matatolu            SVT4,051
Kuini Tukubola Naqasima         FAP244
Josefa Cavu Silikiwai           FNP103
Isimeli Rasilau Radrodro (II)   Ind683

Cakaudrove Fijian Provincial
Inoke Kubuabola                 SVT 9,765
Sitiveni Ligamamada Rabuka      SVT9,890
Tevita Vakalalabure             SVT9,538
Dame Ilimo                      FAP624
Manivalu Kunouji                FAP826
Viliame Sakaraia Gonelevu       FAP657

Kadavu Fijian Provincial
James Michael Ah Koy            SVT3,760
Apatia Matanatoto Seru          SVT3,657
Akariva Nabati                  FAP168
Viliame Vukinavanua Orisi       FNP71

Lau Fijian Provincial
Alifereti Finau Mara            FAP2,947
Viliame Saulekaleka Tunidau     FAP2,783
Viliame Caubati                 FAP2,770
Filipe Nagera Bole              SVT2,086
Jiujiua Leca                    SVT2,084
Sekope Gonevakarua Temo         SVT1,991
Viliame Savu Jr                 FNP57

Lomaiviti Fijian Provincial
Maraia Taufa Vakatale           SVT4,141
Joeli Kalou                     SVT3,824
Isoa Taunamoli Bakani           FAP265
Inoke Navuataki                 FNP389
Josefa Vosanibula               Ind332
Mosese Vunivutu                 Ind464

Macuata Fijian Provincial
Rusiate Musudroka               SVT4,780
Militini Vereaqali Leweniqula   SVT4,645
Apolosi Seiya                   FAP297
Emosi Vuakatagane               FAP366
Emoni Rakadrudru                FNP262

Nadroga and Navosa Fijian Provincial
Osea Turaga Gavidi             WUF3,302
Mosese Tuisawau                WUF3,115
Sakiusa Matuku                 SVT4,194
Seruwaia Ralulu Hing TY        SVT4,109
Savenaca Tokolevu Batibasaga   ANC1,145
Kuini Vuibaka-Speed            ANC1,240

Naitasiri Fijian Provincial
Ilaitaia Buludire Tuisese      SVT2,700
Solomoni Naivalu               SVT2,670
Ilai Kuli                      FAP3,646
Fereti Seru Dewa               FAP3,444
Nemani Raikoti                 FNP406
Waisea Sedre Luveniyali        FNP508

Namosi Fijian Provincial
Mesake Baisagale               SVT1,346
Kiniviliame T. Manumanuitoga   SVT1,258
Antonio Tanabureisau           FNP310
Etuate M. Vunitabua            FNP256
Nakuna Sumani                  FLP76

Ra Fijian Provincial
Wilisoni Tuiketei Malani       SVT2,608
Manoa Seruinadakulala Rareba   FAP276
Evuloni Bogi                   FNP731
Timoci Gaece Naco              FNP1,172
Marika Vukinagauna Silimaibau  FLP251
Jo Nacola                      Ind4095
Eloni Goneyali                 Ind1,345

Rewa Fijian Provincial
Berenado Vunibobo              SVT1,955
Atunaiasa Bani Druavesi        SVT1,790
Samuela Ratulevu               FAP244
Rokosawa Merewalesi            FAP227
Sakiasi Butadroka              FNP1,299
Asela Vumacauta Logavatu       FNP1,024
Manueli K.  Nawalu             Ind109
Mosese Banuve Tuisawau         Ind474

Serua Fijian Provincial
Atunaisa Lacabuka No. 1        SVT1,235
Mesulame Narawa                SVT1,340
Sakeasi Lomalagi               ANC177
Veremo Nayacalevu              ANC297
Iona Rokowai                   FNP596
Josateki Nasova                FNP538
Atunaisa Lacabuka Rakosi No. 2 Ind19
Levani Tonitonivanua           Ind190
Sowani Tobewaqiri              Ind24

Tailevu Fijian Provincial
Litia Samanunu Cakobau         SVT4,823
Savenaca Tokainavo (Speight)   SVT4,369
Timoci Waqaravoka Vesikula     SVT4,759
Joji Ranamila                  ANC226
Semi Seruvakula                FAP2,781
Samuela Matawalu               FAP2,577
Josevata N. Kamikamica         FAP3,081
Iliesa Duvuloco                FNP2,338
Josaia Waqavou                 FNP1,464
Isireli M. Vuibau              FNP1,692
Joeli Baledrokadroka           Ind887

Fijian Urban Constituencies

North East Fijian Urban
Josefa Dimuri                  SVTunopp*

Suva City Fijian Urban
Jonetani Titoko Kaukimoce      SVT5,825
Ropate Sivo                    ANC197
Meli Vakarewakobau             FAP1,744
Bulou Amalaini B. T. Ligalevu  FNP319

Serua/Rewa West Fijian Urban
Kelemedi Rakuve Bulewa         SVT2,339
Kevueli Bigilevu               ANC91
Epeli Valekulukulu Kacimaiwai  FAP823
Tevita K. Galuvakadua          FNP139
Manasa Dela Moce               Ind35
Jese Maimanuku Temo            Ind14

Tailevu/Naitasiri Fijian Urban
Apolosi Buivakaloloma          SVT6,977
Josaia Tuioneata Gucake        ANC491
Malakai Tadulala               FAP2,509

Western Fijian Urban
Vilisoni Cagimaivei            SVT3,706
Eroni Lewaqai                  ANC519
Viliame Dreunimisimisi         FAP719
Solomone Rabuasearau           FNP347
Poate No. 2 Dakuni             FLP304
Kitione Vuataki                Ind413

Indian Constituencies

Bua Indian
Rahamat Ali                    Ind122
Rajendra Singh                 Ind4
Raman Pratap Singh             NFP1,051
Shakuntala Devi Prasad         FLP129

Macuata West Indian
Charan Jeath Singh (NFP)3,136*72.1%
Mohammed Tahir Khan (Independent)362
Rameshwar Prasad (FLP)2,208

Labasa Indian
Shree Ramlu (NFP)3,632*72.1%
Shiromaniam Madhavan (FLP)2,973

Macuata East Indian
Mohammed Lateef Subedar (FLP)3,385
Pramod Chand (NFP)3,452*72.1%

Cakaudrove Indian
Satish C. Gulabdas (NFP)unopposed*

Suva City Central Indian
Frederick Dervalia Achari (FLP)756
Harilal M. Patel (NFP)1,894*72.1%

Suva City Suburban Indian
James Raghwan Raman (NFP)2,783*72.1%
Rajeshwar Prasad (FLP)1,356

Lami/Naitasiri South/Kadavu Indian
Michael Columbus (ALP)335
Mirza Namrud Buksh (ANC)17
Shiu Charan (NFP)819*72.1%

Nasinu South/Colo-i-Suva Indian
Hari Chand (Independent)46
Sayed Abdul Khaiyum (NFP)2870*72.1%
Hikmat Singh Verma (NFP)2732

Nasinu East/Rewa East Indian
Harnam Singh Golian (NFP)2204*72.1%
Ram Chand (FLP)2138

Nasinu North/Nausori Indian
Phul Singh (FLP)1672
Narendra Singh Arjun (NFP)3,572*72.1%

Tailevu/Ra East/Lomaiviti/Lau/Rotuma Indian
Aptar Singh (NFP)2657*72.1%
Cecil Gulab Singh (FLP)787*72.1%

Ra Central Indian
Dhirendra Kumar (NFP)2,547*72.1%
Krishna Chand (FLP)2,305
Ram Chandra (Independent)35

Tavua/Ra West Indian
Dharam Singh (NFP)1,887
Anand Babla (FLP)3,009*72.1%

Ba East/Tavua Rural Indian
Balwant Singh Rakkha (NFP)2,492
Hardayal Singh (FLP)2,977*72.1%

Magodro/Ba Rural Indian
Dijendra Pratap Singh (NFP)1,591
Krishna Datt (FLP)1,853*72.1%

Ba Urban Indian
Bali Ram (FLP)3,234
Suklesh Kumari Bali (Independent)70
Vinod S. Patel (NFP)3,769*72.1%

Ba West Indian
Amzat Khan (NFP)1,678
Mahendra Pal Chaudhry (FLP)2,052*72.1%

Lautoka Rural Indian
Jai Ram Reddy (NFP)2,850*72.1%
Lakshman Prasad Maharaj (NFP)1,605

Lautoka City Indian
Ali Ayub Husain (NFP)2,984*72.1%
Felix Anthony (FLP)2,032

Lautoka South/Veiseisei/Yasawa Indian
Jagannath Sami (NFP)1,652
Satendra Datt Sharma (ANC)363
Vinod Chandra Deo Maharaj (FLP)1,854*72.1%

Nawaka/Sabeto Indian
Dawendra Pratap Nandan (NFP)2,173
Shiu Sharan Sharma (FLP)2,757*72.1%

Nadi Urban Indian
Amjad Ali (FLP)1,659
Dorsami Naidu (NFP)2,321*72.1%

Malomalo North/Nadi Rural Indian
Deo Lingam Reddy (ANC)31
Harish Chandra Sharma (NFP)2,747*72.1%
Mohammed Hafiz (FLP)2,124

Cuvu/Malomalo South/Sigatoka Urban Indian
Gaj Raj Singh Chaudhary (FLP)2,037
Mohammed Azam Khalil (NFP)2,412*72.1%

Nadroga East Indian
Anil Kumar (NFP)1,320
Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi (FLP)2,190*72.1%

Navosa/Serua/Namosi/Naitasiri West/Rewa West Indian
Maan Singh (NFP)2,604*72.1%
Ram Sanehi (FLP)1,088

General Constituencies

Northern General
Benaia Tewaki (ANC)566
Gustav Maynard Billings (Independent)349
Leo Barry Smith (GVP)1,271*72.1%

Suva City General
William Aull (GVP)1,080*72.1%
Edward Albert Haffernan (ANC)405
Penelope Betty Moore (FLP)149

Serua/Namosi/Rewa/Kadavu/Naitasiri South General
George Frank Koi (Independent)281
Alfred Bruce Rounds (ANC)777
Harold John Powell (GVP)1,040*72.1%

Ra/Tailevu/Lomiviti/Lau/Rotuma/Naitasiri North General
Vincent Walter Lobendahn (GVP)394*72.1%
Langi Peters (ANC)213

Ba/Nadroga and Navosa General
Anthony Vincent Morelli (GVP)554
David Sydney Pickering (ANC)898*72.1%

Rotuma Constituency

Alifereti Fisaitu (ANC)279
Paul Fanifau Manueli (Independent)2,061*72.1%
Petero Kamoe (Independent)59